We see a variety of orthodontic concerns, from spacing to bite problems. By far, though, the most common complaint, particularly among adults, is dental crowding.

Thankfully, crowded teeth are usually straightforward to treat, and you can choose from our range of discreet braces.

What is dental crowding?

Dental crowding is a type of misalignment (malocclusion) where your teeth appear crooked and overlap.
You may have very mild crowding that involves one tooth or more severe crowding where most of your teeth overlap.

crowded teeth

Causes of crowded teeth

Some of the most common causes of dental crowding include:

  • A lack of space in your jaws for all your adult teeth
  • Badly fitting crowns and bridges can sometimes put pressure on surrounding teeth, causing them to move and overlap
  • Gum diseases can cause your teeth to loosen and drift over time, increasing your risk of crowded teeth
  • As you age, your jawbone loses density and subtly changes shape, causing your teeth to crowd towards the front of your mouth

Your genes play a big part in determining whether you’ll experience dental crowding.

The ideal age for an orthodontic consultation is between 8 and 10. This gives us time to act early if necessary and avoid more complex treatment later.

Why we treat dental crowding

Most people seek the help of an orthodontist because they don’t like the appearance of their teeth.

Braces can achieve beautiful results, but there are other advantages to straight teeth:

  • Easier cleaning – it can sometimes be tricky to reach all the surfaces of your teeth if they overlap
  • Less risk of injury – teeth that protrude are more at risk of being knocked or injured
  • Improved bite function – when we align your teeth, we can also improve the way they bite together to avoid premature wear
  • Long-lasting results – if you wear your retainers consistently it will stop your teeth from shifting later in life

Treatments for crowded teeth

There are several different ways to straighten crowded teeth depending on your goals, budget and lifestyle.

If your teeth are healthy and you’re happy with their shape and colour, braces are usually a better option than cosmetic treatments like veneers.

Veneers offer instant results, and they can address cosmetic concerns such as chips and stains simultaneously. However, to fit your veneers, your dentist will need to remove some enamel. This process is irreversible, and you’ll need to wear veneers for life and replace them periodically.

Braces aren’t an instant solution, and most treatments take around 9–18 months. The results more than make up for this, though. If you wear your retainers diligently, your new smile will last a lifetime.


Invisalign is removable and almost invisible. It straightens your teeth using a sequence of clear aligners. We’ll custom-make your aligners to gradually move your teeth towards your goal (which you can visualise with the help of our digital scanner and 3D software).

You can take your aligners out for a few hours every day to eat, drink and clean your teeth.

Fixed braces

If you’d prefer a fixed appliance that you can’t remove, we offer metal and clear fixed braces. They both straighten teeth brilliantly, and they’re suitable for almost every case.

Clear fixed braces feature discreet ceramic brackets that match the colour of your teeth for a more subtle appearance.

Cosmetic braces

If you’re only concerned about crowded front teeth, you might be suitable for cosmetic braces.

We’ll fit ceramic clear braces to your front 6–8 teeth for a cost-effective smile makeover that could take as little as six months.

Discover your options

If you’re ready to discuss your smile goals with a specialist orthodontist, contact us today to arrange your no-obligation consultation.

During your appointment, Dr. Jackie Bracken will examine your smile and go through all your options, including costs and payment options.